
Blockchain for the identification of fake news


Icono de Javascripthtml5cssIcono de Node JSIcono de Blockchain


1 Alumno

Develop a web interface application to utilize the Ethereum blockchain hash for news signing and validation through subscribers. Possibility to create a list of trusted authors.


User profile authentication system based on Blockchain technology


Icono de Javascripthtml5cssIcono de Node JSIcono de Blockchain

Implement a web application where authentication and authorization management use only a Blockchain instead of a traditional system, such as a database. The user profile will determine the transactions they can access. To achieve the objectives of this project, research will be conducted into Hyperledger Fabric technology and the multi-user functionality of Hyperledger Composer.


Schedule for the use of resources and printers


Icono de Javascripthtml5cssIcono de Node JSIcono de C++

Develop a new version of a web tool that allows adding, deleting, and displaying information about printers, devices, and resources (both manually and automatically using a network scanning library), which allows managing a reservation schedule for each of these resources, and sending notifications for specific events.


Tool for multichannel image manipulation


Icono de QtIcono de C++

Development of an image manipulation application that allows viewing, creating, importing, and custom-converting images.

The application should enable conversion between formats with grouped color channels (chunky) and separated channels (planar), adding/removing channels (RGB-RGBA), reordering channels (KCMY-CMKY, RGB-BGR), changing color formats, compression, resolutions, and more.


Tool for arranging irregular 2D shapes to optimize space on a Surface


Icono de ReactTypescriptIcono de JavascriptIcono de NodeJsIcono de HTML5Icono de CSS3

Develop an algorithm that allows positioning irregular elements on a surface while optimizing the unused space between them.

The tool should be able to include parameters such as a minimum space between shapes, setting a specific position for a particular shape within the surface, or a specific orientation (rotation).


Coordination and monitoring of a cluster of devices in Go


GoTypescriptIcono de JavascriptIcono de NodeJsIcono de HTML5Icono de CSS3

Starting with a cluster of Go servers simulating a printer and forming a server farm, develop an algorithm capable of detecting the most optimal device to send a print job to. This algorithm should determine which device will take the least amount of time to complete the print job based on the current status of each device.

Additionally, configure a push notification service to alert a technician if a device stops working and send alerts and status information.


Cloud-based microservice for sending 3D print Jobs


Icono de JavascriptTypescriptIcono de NodeJsIcono de React


Además: Amazon Cloud, Kubernetes, Docker, PrintOS

Develop the framework of an application for submitting 3D print jobs to a fleet of printers.

The FrontEnd will allow:

  • Uploading one or more files with 3D models
  • Calling an external library to view the models in the browser
  • Calling an external library to optimize the arrangement of 3D models within the print bed
  • Sending the job for printing

The BackEnd will allow:

  • Receiving and storing submission information


Application location service


Icono de PhytonIcono de HTML5Icono de CSS


Además: BBDD

Creation of a system for assisting in the translation (localization) of applications.

It should support different views based on user profiles. Each user will be linked to one or more assets.

The system's FrontEnd will be a tool that allows querying existing text strings, requesting the inclusion of new strings for translation, modifying existing strings, format validation, etc.

The BackEnd will include a database of text strings and a set of scripts to handle and convert translated text strings into various formats (XLIFF, XML, H, RESX, etc.).


Identification of "hidden" elements using Augmented Reality


Icono de Unity


Además: ARCore, Severless

Development of an Augmented Reality app that uses gamification to create a "treasure hunt" experience, promoting learning and tourism in a specific city. The experience will be based on discovering artistic elements starting from a small image of a detail, providing small hints if necessary (such as vague or curious information requiring online searches, proximity radar using GPS, etc.), and then validating the discovery with the Augmented Reality camera.


A tool for evaluating programming knowledge


Icono de JavascriptTypescriptIcono de NodeJsIcono de ReactIcono de HTML5Icono de CSS3


Además: Docker

The questions for each test would be randomly selected from a pool of questions classified by knowledge level.

Additionally, there could be predefined tests or tests based on templates (user profiles).

  • The programming part would send the content to a server to compile and evaluate a set of tests. There could be multiple sets of tests (public and private).
  • Initially, the tool would support two programming languages: C++ and JavaScript.
  • The compilation service would need to be remote and support configurations via Docker.


Tool for cognitive development in elder adults


Icono de AndroidIcono de Java

As we age, our memory begins to falter, and our cognitive processes deteriorate. There are various exercises that can be done to slow down this degenerative process and strengthen our cognitive abilities.

The goal of this project is to develop a mobile app that offers activities to improve cognitive development and memory in older adults.

This project will be conducted in collaboration with Cruz Roja León.

If you enjoy volunteering or simply want to contribute to improving the life quality of our seniors, this is your project. Are you in?


Recreate a traditional painting and sculpture workshop in Virtual Reality


Icono de UnityIcono de C#

Unfortunately, traditional crafts are gradually disappearing from our society, and with them, valuable knowledge and ways of life are being lost.

The goal of the project is to develop a Virtual Reality experience using HP's VR glasses and controllers to recreate the experience of working in a traditional painting and sculpture workshop.

Would you like to participate in a project that combines technology and craftsmanship?


Tool for vectorizing scanned plans


PytorchIcono de Phyton


Además: MachineLearning

Building plans, engineering designs, topographic maps… When you only have a paper copy of these items and wish to make modifications or create a new design from them, scanning is often the only option.

Using image processing techniques and Machine Learning, the tool will extract information such as lines, curves, and text from a scanned image (raster) of the plan.

The tool will need to tolerate noise margins and handle structures that cannot be identified (such as logos, small images, etc.) by transferring them as sub-images to the vector image.

If you are interested in image processing and machine learning, this is your project. Are you up for it?


Machine Learning to improve image quality


Icono de C++Icono de Phyton


Además: MachineLearning

Often, we need to use images from the internet or taken with old mobile phones. A common issue is that these images are of low quality, and when we use them, we find that the image is very small, has compression artifacts, lighting issues, noise, etc.

The goal of this project is to use Machine Learning techniques to develop an application that automatically corrects these problems and provides an enhanced version of the original image.

Would you like to get started with neural networks by working on such a visually appealing project?


Machine Learning for exo-planet detection


Icono de C++Icono de Phyton


Además: MachineLearning

The Kepler mission was designed to study stars in the vicinity of Earth within the Milky Way by analyzing the light emitted by 150,000 stars to discover Earth-sized planets orbiting within the habitable zone, where liquid water might exist. This information could guide the search for extraterrestrial life and estimate potentially habitable planets.

The goal of the project is to use Machine Learning techniques on the real data provided by the Kepler space telescope, specifically the light intensity (flux) recorded over more than 9 years and propose a neural network model to detect exoplanets using the Transit Method.

Will you be the one to make history as the person who detected the first planet with life outside Earth?

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