Diaberse platform, which has already begun to be used at the Hospital de León, has represented an important advance in telemedicine, as it offers education on diabetes management through virtual reality to patients of all ages and, especially, to patients who are in less accessible areas of the province, such as rural areas.
In Castilla y León there are more than 3,000 medical offices where not all health specialists are available, so Diaberse emerges as a telemedicine alternative to bring diabetes education to all areas where there are no diabetes specialists who can teach patients how to control the disease.
The platform works like an educational class, through an intuitive immersive virtual reality experience, where the content is supervised by health staff. It offers benefits over face-to-face education, mainly because it allows education to reach hard-to-reach areas and because it allows doubts to be resolved or better internalizing certain knowledge, as information can be repeated or focused on specific aspects that, due to lack of time, sometimes cannot be adequately managed by professionals in person.
It should be noted that the application is alive and the goal is to be able to update it with more knowledge and content as studies on the disease or the patient themselves evolve.